What we do

See our first beta product Refugees@business

Immigration Guidance: the solution that simplifies the law for immigrants

In order to optimize procedures at migration offices, and improve the intelligence about jurisprudence and immigration law, a new legal platform will be developed, called Immigration Guidance. Immigration Guidance can accelerate procedures by offering an interactive platform for legal professionals where all European jurisprudence will be combined with local/national information and process workflows. On the other hand Immigration guidance offers a dynamic app with video’s, workflow tools and frequently asked questions for migrants. Think of subjects like asylum procedure by country, family reunification, admission procedure, residence, work or student permit, redistribution / removal. In this way the Immigration Guidance platform will:

  • Contribute to cost reductions in national asylum systems by optimizing procedures and reducing turnaround and backlogs
  • Enable faster integration of recognized refugees, thereby accelerating their economic value and reducing the burden on social systems.

Why Immigration Guidance?

Europe has a rather stable economic and political landscape. A reason for entrepreneurs to establish their businesses in Europe, a reason for students to come and study at European universities and a reason for refugees to escape from the dangerous situation in their country.

Everybody has the right to live, work and study safely in one of our European Countries. Every citizen has the right to develop itself without fear or threat of injustice. These are the main beliefs, we emphasize as a project team when starting to think on Immigration Guidance.

We want to attribute to the higher – European goal – of a fair policy which can be entitled as inclusive and humane. The European Commission benefits from a common set of rules per member state which are applied equally and where differences between member states are minimalized. Above all we believe that the law should be accessible to anyone. With this state of mind we will act as an open democracy which is able to integrate and develop people in a humane way, as well on a temporarily base or even just on a permanent one.

Policy Plan of the Stichting Immigration Guidance Foundation

Annual Accounts 2017